What other themes are helpful for partners of autistic people?

In Resilient Loving - A practical compass for partners of people on the autism spectrum, we explore different themes such as our needs, values, self-limiting beliefs, strengths, and expectations.

Many other themes are helpful when it comes to a relationship with somebody on the autism spectrum, for instance:


Reflections on what needs to happen for me to feel loved? (not just in romantic relationships. It can be with pets, friends, etc.)

Affection bank account is in the red T-shirt

How do I express love?

How do I block the flow of love?

Do I ever withhold love?


How do I relate to pain?

Do I relate to all pain in the same way (physical, psychological, relational, etc.)?


How easy is it for me to forgive (myself and others)?

Do I need something to happen in order to forgive?


What is life for me?

Does it feel supportive or antagonistic? 

If you are a member of the private forum, it would be great to explore these questions and to post more there. 


Do I notice any cycles in my relationship to my partner? 

For instance, do I experience grief every now and then for the dreams that won't be realised in this relationship? 

Or perhaps, do I experience insightful moments followed by periods of denial of the reality of autism? 


Do I think codependency is an element in my relationship? 

How do I know? 

If I do think there is codependency in my relationship, how does it manifest? What would I like to do about it? Am I willing to do it? If so, when?


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